The objective of the VORTeX (Virtual Operating Room Team Experience) project is to train clinicians collaboratively in a distributed fashion using HMD devices to further develop their non-technical skills based on computer-generated simulation scenarios. This project is supervised by Dr. Suvranu De, the Head of the Department of MANE (Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the director of CeMSIM (Center for Modeling, Simulation, and Imaging in Medicine)
In this project, I designed and developed the simulation environment from scratch. I used the HDRP (High Definition Rendering Pipeline) in Unity, tuned graphics, and do post-processing based on the pipeline. Since the models in this project were originally in CAD format, I converted them into a 3D mesh object (obj) and fixed some display errors that showed up in the game engine. I also developed most of the player interaction mechanics and locomotion systems based on Unity XR Framework.
Here is the link to the Github repository.
Here are some videos of the simulator: