Kinematics, Path Planning, and PANDA Robotic Arm Manipulation
This project contains 4 lab assignments and a cumulative final assignment in MEAM520 Introduction to Robotics at the University of Pennsylvania. In this course, I implemented an FK (Forward Kinematics) algorithm using DH (Denavit–Hartenberg) parameters, a 2D IK (Inverse Kinematics) algorithm using geometry, an Inverse Velocity Kinematics solver ...
Interaction Simulation using Reinforcement Learning
This project aims at simulating interaction in a virtual environment using Reinforcement Learning and Unity ML-Agents. It was supervised by Dr. Suvranu De, the head of the Department of MANE (Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the director of CeMSIM (Center for Modeling, Simulation, and Imagin...
VORTeX (Virtual Operating Room Team Experience)
The objective of the VORTeX (Virtual Operating Room Team Experience) project is to train clinicians collaboratively in a distributed fashion using HMD devices to further develop their non-technical skills based on computer-generated simulation scenarios. This project is supervised by Dr. Suvranu De, the Head of the Department of MANE (Mechanical...
Brain Bee 2020: A System that Shortens the Learning Curve
This project won the Third Prize in Brain Bee 2020 Brain Challenge (China Division College Section). It explored the possibility of using tRNS (Transcranial random noise stimulation) to shorten the learning curve, which describes that one can learn faster after times of practice.
tRNS (Transcranial random noise stimulation), which applies a r...
Virtual Reality Turbojet Engine
In this project, I developed a VR turbojet engine simulation from scratch to improving the efficacy of propulsion and engine cycle teaching. This project was supervised by Dr. James Young, a professor in the Department of MANE (Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. During the development, I construc...
VCP (Virtual Chemical Plant)
In this project, I developed two VR simulations with Dr. Ronald Hedden, a professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, for education in process control and thermodynamics using Unity, C#, Blender, and MATLAB. I applied my knowledge of game development, 3D modeling, heat transfer, fluid flow, thermodyna...
Virtual MILL (Manufacturing Innovation Learning Laboratory)
This project aims at building a virtual reality environment of Manufacturing Innovation Learning Laboratory (MILL) using Unreal Engine 4, Blueprint and Maya, for the School of Engineering. This project was supervised by Sam Chiappone, the director of Manufacturing Innovation at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. In this project, I developed a con...
This project was developed during HackRPI 2019, a 24-hour hackathon held by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. The objective of this project was to visualize energy consumption and call for environmental protection. When starting the program, the Python back-end gathers and processes the energy-consuming data. Then, the result is used to dynamica...
17 post articles, 3 pages.